
Conference Awards 会议奖项

Young Scientist Award

To reward young scientists and engineers who show great promise in their field of study, with the hope that this will nurture the growth of science and technology in the region.

- Under 40 years old as of 30 March 2025 with a doctor degree.
- Delegate with an accepted abstract/paper for scientific sessions.
- Has registered and will be present at the ICPIES 2025 conference.
- Award Application Deadline: 20th March, 2025.
- Application materials: CV with presentative works

Outstanding Organization Award

To recognizes an individual/organization whose accomplishments have significantly contributed to ICPIES conference. It will be selected by Organizing Committee before Conference.

Outstanding Reviewer Award

Outstanding Reviewer Award is given to those researchers who provided the highest-quality (most extensive and constructive) reviews of submissions for ICPIES 2025. The award is given to the top 5% or less of reviewers.

Best Student Paper Award

To recognize excellence in a conference paper whose primary contributor is a Student Member.
- All accepted paper submissions authored by student as the first author.
- Has registered and will deliver oral presentation at the ICPIES 2025 conference.
- Candidates will be included in Best Student Paper Competitions, the winner will be selected by TPC & Session Chairs.

Best Oral Presentation Award

- Registrants who submit abstracts for oral presentations are automatically in the running for the award.
- Recipients will be selected by our panel of experts who will conduct an evaluation, considering factors such as originality, applicability, technical merit, PPT design and English.

Best Poster Presentation Award

- Registrants who submit abstracts for poster presentations are automatically in the running for the award.
- Recipients will be selected by our panel of experts who will conduct an evaluation, considering factors such as originality, applicability, technical merit, poster design and English.
  • Conference Committee

  • Conference Awards

  • Call for Papers

  • Conference Program

  • Submission Guideline

  • Registration Guideline

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